King's Gambit
Sunday, June 20, 2004
Solution To Problem Of The Day 2004-06-18
1. Nf6+!! wins by force. If 1...gxf6 then 2. Bxf6 and the threat of 3. Qg5# is unavoidable. If 1...Kh8 then 2. Qe4 g6 3. Qh4 h5 4. Nxh5! gxh5 5. Bf6+ and mate soon follows.
1. Nf6+!! wins by force. If 1...gxf6 then 2. Bxf6 and the threat of 3. Qg5# is unavoidable. If 1...Kh8 then 2. Qe4 g6 3. Qh4 h5 4. Nxh5! gxh5 5. Bf6+ and mate soon follows.
Serious chess. Serious fun!