King's Gambit
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Solution To Problem Of The Day 2004-05-29

(Calvo - Hamann, Menorca 1974) 1...g1=Q! 2. Bxg1 Kg2 3. Kg4 and now White can't leave the h-pawn unguarded. 3...Ba8! 4. Kh4 Bf3 is zugzwang! If 5. a8=Q then 5...Bxa8 6. Kg4 Bf3+ 7. Kh4 Be4 8. Kg4 Bf5+! and White loses. If 5. Kg5 then 5...Kxg1 6. Kf4 Kg2 and so on.


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