King's Gambit
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Problem Of The Day
White to play and mate in 3
BD7 QD8, RXB5! KA7, QA4!!
By 11:07 PM
, atAfter 1. Be7 Rh1 mate follows eventually, yes, but there is a faster mate as well.
By 7:21 PM
, at
1 Qe8+ Qe8
2 Rxg5+ Kh7
3 Rg7++
By 2:28 PM
, at1Qe5 (and mate threat Qg7)f6. 2Rxg5+ Kf7 3. Rg7 # or 2...Kh7 3Qh2#
1.Qe5 Rh7 2. Ne7 and Q hangs.
Serious chess. Serious fun!